The Need to Implement Modelling and Simulation as Part of the Curriculum in Basic Engineering Courses

Mohammed Ghazy, Atef Ata


In this paper a proposal for implementing modelling and simulation techniques into the curriculum of basic engineering courses is introduced. Justifications and case studies from some engineering courses are discussed. Examples from particle and rigid body motions in engineering mechanics course and other related courses are emphasized. In this proposal we introduce a method of simplification of basic concepts in applied engineering sciences. The concept of course project can be utilized to encourage students to apply their basic knowledge on modelling and simulation of some basic topics such as projectile and constrained motions. This proposal has the advantages of communicating concepts in science through the daily use of communication technology among students and instructors. Simulation can attract other students, who find difficulty understanding engineering problems, to the engineering profession. In addition, the new proposal can be applied with no additional cost on the institution, no extra credit hours for students, and a minimum additional load on the instructor.

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