Service Quality in Higher Education: A Comparative Study in Tertiary Institutions in Sub Saharan Africa
Supplying quality service is measured to be essential strategy for success in today’s competitive environment. Companies that offer superior service achieve increased profits through higher market share and being able to offer premium prices. An exploratory research design was used for this study. The simple random technique was used to select 120 students. Data collected was analysed, interpreted and discussed using Cross tabulations, Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Coefficient of Determination (R2). From the analysis of the data, the overall relationship or effect of all the independent variables combined on the dependent variable (overall service delivery for KNUST), the ANOVA statistic which was used showed a very significant effect {df (5, 59), F=125.3, ≤.0001} while that of MUCG also showed a very significant effect at the level of {df (5, 59), F=377.9, ≤.0001}. However, institutes providing higher education in Sub Saharan Africa have not kept pace in terms of service quality and in all parameters, the actual service delivered by them falls short of the perception of the students. Private institution students are more ambitious and better informed than those studying in Public institutions and hence, have higher perception from their institutions, and accordingly, their perceived service quality is greater than their counterparts in the Public institutions.
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