The Role of Green Recruitment and Selection on Performance of Processing Industries in Tanzania: A Case of Tanzania Tobacco Processors Limited (TTPL)
Environmental conservation has been a concern to many international, local organizations and individuals for Centuries. Green management initiatives become an important factor in forward-thinking business around the world as a means of combating environmental degradation caused by organizations. Industrialization has contributed to the global environmental problems we are witnessing today and Tanzania industrialization drive cannot ignore this fact. Research is one of best ways for investigating, understanding and solving problems. Although number of researches has been done on Green Human Resource Management (Green HRM), still there is no sufficient literature on the subject. To bridge this gap this study investigated the role of green recruitment and selection on performance of Processing Industries in Tanzania by using Tanzania Tobacco Processors Limited (TTPL) as a case study. The study sough to specifically assess the application of green recruitment and selection at TTPL, determining whether green recruitment and selection attract more and better job candidates, and establishing the relationship between green recruitment and selection and organizational performance. It was found that green recruitment and selection practices are in place and they contribute in attracting more qualified job candidates. The study also found a linear relationship between green recruitment and selection and performance. Further, the study recommends institutionalization of green recruitment and selection and other green HRM practices in order improve organizational performance. Regulatory and statutory bodies are recommended to ensure that green practices are put in place by organizations for organizational and environmental sustainability.
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