The Impact of Employee Empowerment on the Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment has been a topic of extensive interest since 1950 due to its substantial implications on both employees and organizations. Therefore, it is crucial for every company to determine and understand the aspects which boost the commitment of its employees thus leading to achieve its objectives and optimize the human capital. Hence, the purpose of this research was to analyze the impact of core components of employee empowerment on the organizational commitment in the Lebanese Banking sector.
This research adopted the principles of positivism where the researcher was independent from the study. Since the study was already grounded from an existing theoretical framework with the purpose of testing hypotheses, the deductive approach was followed. After studying the existing literature related to the subject, the researcher conducted a quantitative study. The data was distributed and collected from 123 employees working in the Lebanese Banking sector using a self-administered questionnaire. The aim of this questionnaire was to explore the influence of job autonomy, motivation, training and compensation on organizational commitment.
The hypotheses which were proposed to be tested during the research were verified. The results reflected a positive relation between the components of employee empowerment and organizational commitment. This was in alignment with the other business sectors in Lebanon and in similar banking sector in the region and the West. Accordingly, the banks should consider employee empowerment as one of the factors in promoting organizational commitment. Consequently, this leads to employees’ organizational retention in the Lebanese Banking sector.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Wael Zaraket, Robert Garios, Layla Abdel Malek

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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