Impact of Human Resource Practices on Intention to Leave among Generation Z- The Future Workforce
The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of human resource practices on intention to leave with a mediating impact of job satisfaction among the Generation Z with respect to the telecommunication sector of Sri Lanka. Employees are the most valuable asset for any organization and making them feel satisfied and retaining them at work has become the key challenge for many companies. A study was conducted with the sample of 308 Generation Z employees working in the telecommunication sector. Exploratory Factor Analysis, Multiple Regression and Structural Equation Modeling were applied with use of SPSS and AMOS to analyze the relationships of these variables. Further, to reconfirm the findings interviews were conducted and data was gathers based on thematic analysis. However, having flexibility was most significant among all the factors which led to job satisfaction among these young employees and job satisfaction has a negative significant towards intention to leave. The outcomes of the survey results with imperial knowledge on the future workforce and how to gain employee engagement for better productivity for all organization.
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