The Effect of Service Quality and Facilities on Patient Satisfaction (Study at the Tanah Sepenggal Health Center in Bungo District)
This study was to examine and explain the effect of service quality and facilities on patient satisfaction in the Tanah Sepenggal Community Health Center in Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. The research method used is cross-sectional. The study population was all patients while the sample was 120 respondents but 98 respondents could be tested because there were 22 instruments that were not filled in completely so they were not included in the analysis. The sampling technique uses confinance sampling. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regressions with the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics version 20 of the software.
The statistical test results partially service quality variables consisting of tangible (X1), reliability (X2) responsiveness (X3) assurance (X4) empathy (X5) have no significant effect on patient satisfaction and facilities (X6) have a significant positive effect on patient satisfaction. Statistical test results simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction.
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