The Effect of the Relationship between Organizational Excellence and Quality of Work-Life on Organizational Commitment: An Applied Study on the Health Services Sector in Taif City
Over the last era of the twentieth century, rapidly drastic changes in the economic environment have occurred. These changes have led to increasing the intensity of global competition. Therefore, the organizations’ success and survival are nowadays dependent on their rapid response to adapt to the ongoing changes. This paper mainly aims to examine the relationship between organizational excellence, quality of work-life, and organizational commitment. It also aims to identify differences among the respondents’ perceptions about their awareness of organizational excellence, the quality of work-life, and organizational commitment. To this end, the descriptive and analytical approaches were adopted to achieve the objectives of the study through collecting, describing, and analyzing data to examine the hypothesized relationships between the variables of the study. Data from published research, journals, and periodicals, in addition to data based on a field study, were used for analysis. The respondents of the study included employees in the health sector (government hospitals) in Taif City, namely doctors, nursing staff, and managers of medical departments. The results showed that there is a statistically significant effect of organizational excellence on both the quality of work-life and organizational commitment. It was found that there is no significant difference among the respondents’ perceptions about their awareness of organizational excellence, the quality of work-life, and organizational commitment according to their profession. Accordingly, it is recommended to emphasize the requirements of organizational excellence requirements regarding the leadership of the Saudi health institutions and review strategies, which are developed based on the standards of excellence.
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