Organizational Climate and Employee Performance: Examining the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support
Engaging employees and being supportive in enhancing their well-being in an organization is very paramount. Past studies show that these practices and policies are beneficial to the commitment level of the employer and the employee in the attainment of employee performance. This study was then conceptualized to examine the moderating effect of perceived organizational support on the relationships between organizational climate and organizational commitment and organizational commitment and employee performance. Also, the mediating effect of organizational commitment in the relationship between organizational climate and employee performance. Drawing on employees from the power generation companies in Ghana, a systematic sampling method was employed in choosing 371 respondents for the study. Hierarchical regression in SPSS software (version 23) was employed to analyze the hypotheses. It was observed that organizational commitment partially mediated the relationship between organizational climate and employee performance. However, perceived organizational support had no moderation effect on the relationship between organizational climate and organizational commitment. Furthermore, perceived organizational support had no moderation effect on the relationship between organizational commitment and employee performance. These results suggest that with an effective organizational climate, organizational support does little to strengthen or weaken employee performance. The practical implication is also discussed.
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