The Mensural Numeral Classifier Based on the Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Community at Tanah Datar Regency
This paper discusses the mensural numeral classifier used by the Minangkabau community in Tanah Datar regency. The mensural numeral classifier discussed here is the numeral classifier based on the local wisdom of the community, includes the numeral classifier with unrecognizable as the smallest unit but used as the measurement unit based on the shape or nature of the object which is its measure. Data collected by meeting the informants directly on the location. The data preparation conducted by hearing and interviewing. It carried data analysis through grouping the obtained data into the mensural type, such as the length, weight, size, and volume. Based on data analysis, in Minangkabau language at Tanah Datar regency, it found numeral classifier based on the local wisdom of community which uses as the measurement unit of length, weight, size, and volume. In this language, the standard for the measurement unit is the length of the human body, especially the hands and feet. The mensural numeral classifiers base on the human hand length includes rueh jari, jari, jangka, eto, and dapo. Whereas, the numeral classifier base on the foot length is tapak and langka. Meanwhile, for measurement units of weight, the standard is the objects which can be taken by the adult human, whether lifting by hands or bearing on the back. The mensural numeral classifier of weight includes tayia, kati, and pikua. The units of size also base on parts of the human body but which manage for the measurement unit only for the size which can form with using a finger. The mensural numeral classifier for the size means cakak. For measurement units of volume, there is the standard which based on parts of the human body, such as the hands, and another standard which comes from the things made from bamboo and cane work. The mensural numeral classifiers of weight that bases on the hand size are binjek, gonggam, and kawik. Meanwhile, the mensural numeral classifiers of volume which bases on objects made of bamboo or cane work include cupak, gantang, katidiang, and sumpik.
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