Discourse Analysis of References in the Speech of Amir of Qatar Sheik Tamim Bin Hamad Al -Thani in the 72 Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Hatmal Odeh Al-Khalidy


Discourse as a connected speech which extends beyond the borders of a single sentence. Therefore, this study analyse references in the speech of Amir of Qatar Sheik Tamim Bin Hamad Al -Thani   in the 72 session of the United Nations General Assembly on 19- September 2017. The researcher will present personal, demonstratives and comparative references by analysing their frequency of occurrence as an analytical study. Basically, this study reveals that personal references are   most frequently used by Sheik Tamim, followed by demonstrative references. The comparative references happen to be the least occurring type.  

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v10i6.14158

Copyright (c) 2019 International Journal of Linguistics

International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email: ijl@macrothink.org

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