Integrating Cooperative Learning in Reading Classrooms: An Investigation of Saudi EFL Learners' Perception

Reem Alsanie, Mona Sabir


The Social Interdependence Theory offers pedagogical implications indicating that positive participation in the learning process results in higher academic and social progress. In light of this theory, this study explores Saudi EFL learners’ perceptions of cooperative learning (CL) activities in English reading classrooms. A large body of research has investigated the application of CL in language classrooms, but it has mostly focused on how implementing CL affects learners’ achievements and academic performance rather than their perceptions of CL. Therefore, this study investigates Saudi learners’ perceptions of CL in reading classrooms. The study’s participants were 64 low-level EFL learners taking a general English course as part of their preparatory year requirements. The study adopted a descriptive survey-based design. The participants were first given a language background questionnaire and the Oxford Quick Placement Test to determine their proficiency levels. Then, they were taught using a method of CL – Reciprocal Teaching – for six one-hour sessions. The learners were next given a survey questionnaire that consisted of 14 items concerning their perception of CL activities in reading classrooms after all of the Reciprocal Teaching sessions had been completed. Overall, the findings reveal that the participants have positive views of CL in reading classrooms. Based on the findings, the study offers pedagogical implications for future classroom practices.

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