Optimism and Vitality of Life in Green’s The Fault in Our Stars: A Corpus Linguistics Perspective
This research explores how corpus-based analysis of the words indicates optimism and vitality in John Greene’s ‘The Fault in Our Stars’. For the required purpose, a corpus of Greene’s novel is selected which is analysed with the help of Antconc 3.5.8 software. The words selection has been done by feeding the text onto the Antconc software, and adopting the words with the highest frequencies in terms of clusters and n-grams. To accomplish the validity, collocations and colligation trends have also been analysed. The frequencies of words and their excessive use confirm positivity, optimism and vitality that are the distinguished characteristics of John Greene’s writing. The study also highlights the usages of words and their resultant effects in Greene’s writing style.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v11i6.15807
Copyright (c) 2019 International Journal of Linguistics
International Journal of Linguistics ISSN 1948-5425 Email: ijl@macrothink.org
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