A Synopsis of the WhatsApp-Based Instruction and ELT Pedagogy: Concept, Challenge and Strategy
Learning system is developing fast. The learning process has become easier than before. Technology has taken the place of an immensely important tool of the learning system. E-mails, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Imo, Line App and WhatsApp are some of the most important, common, social, immediate messaging tools. WhatsApp is generally used on the mobile phones. It is one of the most popular tool for immediate messaging, transferring ideas, knowledge and pictures for fun, and, of course, for learning. WhatsApp incorporates an ultimate solution for learners, teachers and teacher educators. It facilitates easier communication among the learners, teachers and teacher educators. It could be another venue for learners, teachers and teacher educators. Learning could be achieved faster through this channel. Technology has been used as a tool for instructions in many interesting ways. Students as well as instructors use mobile in various ways, and feel satisfied, feel to be there, feel to be with one another as well. Technology, in our mobile age, has been incorporated into almost all curricula. “Tandem learning may be found as more compatible than any other kind”. (Khan.2018, P-1) Hence, this paper is going to show how the WhatsApp could be a means of allocating as well as distributing educational resources and information to learners, teachers and teacher educators. Whether, it could be a strategy to enhance the learning process faster and easier. Whether, it could be an interesting experience for learners, teachers and teacher educators. Is it attainable? Is it time-friendly? I hope this research paper will accommodate the responses and will try to find a conclusion. WhatsApp is a mobile instant messaging App, which is used immensely for so many reasons. It is simple, popular and versatile. Therefore, the aim of the study is to discover the influence as well as the waves of the use of mobile, and especially, the ‘WhatsApp’ as a tool in boosting the process of ESL/EFL pedagogy.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v12i1.16240
Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Linguistics
International Journal of Linguistics ISSN 1948-5425 Email: ijl@macrothink.org
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