Role of Motivation and Attitude in Introduction and Learning of English as a Foreign Language in Libyan High Schools

Awad Mohamed S Youssef


The acceptance of English as an international language has encouraged many nations to introduce curriculums that cater for teaching of English. Learning of English in many nations has been very successful because of the cooperation that educational stake holders have provided to students and teachers. However, in other nations with very strong attachment to their native languages such as Libya, introduction of English as a new language has been a tasking process. Such nations consider introduction of English in their education curriculum as a form of neo colonialism thus very considerate in accommodating the leaning programmes. On the other hand poor motivation and negative attitude on the part of teachers and students has contributed greatly to the poor acceptance of English learning in these nations. Introducing a new language in a nation where there is an already effective and established language requires total motivation and positive attitude from the trainers and students.

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