εmbosì Indefiniteness: A Pragmatic Analysis
This analysis broaches the contextual interpretation of indefiniteness in εmbQsì and it aims at providing the promotion and documentation of this language. The study reveals that εmbosì indefiniteness interplays with the pragmatic tenets of non-identifiability and novelty. It also and mainly reveals that εmbosì indefinite description has different functions. It first introduces a new entity in the discourse and may have an attributive function when the referent of an entity refers to whoever or whatever fits the descriptive content of the noun phrase. It may also be referential when the speaker first communicates something about the referent and then wants the audience to identify it. εmbosì indefinite description also assumes a specific function when the speaker refers to a specific entity in his mind without intending the hearer to identify it. Indefiniteness in εmbosì also plays a descriptive role when the speaker, using a proper name, does not refer to a specific individual, but rather to what that individual describes.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v15i3.20917
Copyright (c) 2023 Kiba Ngapoula

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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