Non-Technological Teaching Aid: Effectiveness in Developing Young Learners' Grammatical Accuracy

Richard Rao Soorianarayanan, Siti Nadhirah Abd Rahman


With the rapid development of educational technology in the teaching and learning of English, many instructors are beginning to integrate various technology related activities in their lesson. However, many of the recent studies states inaccessibility to technological infrastructure had hindered the implementation of said activities in the classroom. This study hence investigates the effectiveness of an interventional teaching aid that does not need technology on improving young learners’ grammar accuracy in terms of using preposition accurately and forming simple sentences using preposition. Sixty (n=60) year 4 learners of a primary school were enrolled in the quasi-experimental research where the Experimental Group (EG) were involved with the interventional teaching aid called Dice and Paste (DAP) activity. The results indicated that among the two groups, the EG who received instructions based on DAP activity improved the most in post-test for both preposition test (section A) and also simple sentence formation using preposition (section B). This researcher recommends ESL language instructors, other subject instructors, program coordinators, and other stakeholders to adopt DAP especially in an environment where technological infrastructures were lacking.

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