The Effect of Using Error Analysis as a Remedial Teaching Strategy on English Major Students’ Productive Skills

Ahmed Mousa Ali Bataineh


The objective of this study was to examine the impact of employing Error Analysis as a remedial teaching method on the productive skills of English Major Students. The study included thirty-six students enrolled in the Department of English Language and Literature at Al-Isra University during the first semester of the academic year 2022/2023. The study participants were initially divided into two sections: section A, comprising thirty students who registered for the Syntax Course, which was assigned as the experimental group. The material was taught using Error Analysis as a remedial teaching method. Section B comprised sixteen students who enrolled in the Applied Linguistics Course. The control group was chosen and instructed using conventional teaching methods. A pre/post-test was administered to evaluate the impact of utilizing error analysis as a remedial teaching method on enhancing the productive skills of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. Both groups of students took a pre-test to determine their equivalence prior to commencing the experiment. Following a duration of eight weeks, the identical test was administered to both groups as a post-test in order to evaluate their progress in the Productive skills. The statistical analysis employed included measures, standard deviation, T-test, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffe. The study's findings demonstrated that implementing Error Analysis as a method of Remedial Teaching had a notable impact on enhancing students' Productive skills. The findings also demonstrated a clear advantage for the experimental group. This could be attributed to the impact of employing Error Analysis as a method of Remedial Teaching. Consequently, a set of recommendations was given at the conclusion of the study to promote the use of Error Analysis as a strategy for Remedial Teaching in order to enhance the development of productive skills in English Major students.


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