The Social and Cultural Representation of Saudi Dialects in the Media: A Sociolinguistic Study of Najdi and Hijazi Dialects

Albatool Alyahya


This study delves into the social and cultural depiction of the Najdi and Hijazi Arabic dialects in the Tash Ma Tash series. The investigation explores the dialects, lexical selections, attitudes, stereotypes, and social characteristics linked to the four main characters in the series. The technique emphasizes a qualitative analysis, with a focus on analyzing episodes in which the four characters played important roles. The process entails recognizing linguistic elements and documenting observations based on how the speakers are portrayed. The findings indicate that the Najdi dialect places a greater emphasis on accurately pronouncing letters rather than modifying them. In addition, the speech of younger individuals is often seen as more enjoyable, approachable, and casual compared to that of older people. The Hijazi dialect stands out for its charm and the intricate vocabulary it possesses. Furthermore, the integration of terms from different languages combines elements from classical Arabic, Egyptian, and Hijazi dialects.

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International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email:

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