Linguistic and Discourse: Methodological Notes of a Brazilian Approach

Israel de Sá, Jocenilson Ribeiro, Julio Cesar Machado, Marcelo Giovannetti Ferreira Luz


This work focuses on "studies of discourse in Brazil." The main reflections of this paper is, therefore, the practice of linguistic studies postulated and used in Brazil, under the name of Discourse Analysis: an important theory to many Brazilian linguists, with high regard in many universities in that country, and responsible for huge number of printed and virtual publications, on Linguistics in Brazil. To scrutinize the theories of discourse, methodologically, we will show a framework of authors and their ways of thinking over the discourse, which, togetherly, make up the knowledge of Discourse Analysis: Michel Pêcheux, Michel Foucault, Eni Orlandi and Eduardo Guimarães, mainly.

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