The Role of Linguistic Devices in Representing Ethnicity in The Kite Runner

Muhammad Asghar Malik, Syed Kazim Shah, Rashid Mahmood


The purpose of the present research is to analyse the role of the linguistic devices which the writer has used to represent ethnicity in the novel, The Kite Runner. The present research was conducted primarily in accordance with the analytic tools of CDA suggested by Huckin. McGregor has also used them in his research. This is mainly a qualitative research and the quantitative methodology of Corpus linguistics has also been used as a supplement. The results of the research reveal that the writer has employed linguistic manipulation as a powerful instrument to represent ethnicity. He has used specific linguistic devices, like foregrounding, backgrounding, presupposition, omission, framing and first person narrative, to influence the readers to make them accept ideological message contained in the text. This study will help in developing critical thinking of the readers by enabling them to decode text manipulation.

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