Ecolinguistics Approach in Preservation Rare Plants Growing in Bali
Language associated with the environment around us is highly correlated from ecolinguistics study. Aspects of the direct contact with the rare plants are very important from the point of view ecolinguistics studied, therefore very important term effort revitalized and rare plants can be incorporated in teaching, especially in terms of vocabulary learning.
The formulation of the problem to be studied are: (1) how the classification of rare herbs term vocabulary in Balinese language? and (2) how the term efforts to revitalize the rare plants in the teaching of vocabulary in Balinese language? The method used to discuss this paper is listening vocabulary of rare plants as possible, either through speech community understanding in Balinese language and literature over the script through the manuscrift of medicinal plants. The analysis was done by descriptive qualitative integration between inductive and deductive.
This paper produces some results of the study as follows. Classification of rare plants, the term is described as follows: (1) related to Hindu religion, (2) residential building/sanctuary, (3) food/beverage, (4) agriculture/animal husbandry, (5) sacred/magical, (6) drug-medicines. Description in teaching Balinese terms are as follows: (1) the term two syllables, (2) three syllables, (3) four syllables, (4) five syllables, (5) Thecompound, and (6) repeatedword.
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