The Semantic Relation of Denominal, Deverbal, and Deadjectival Verbs with Other Arguments in the Osing Language

Asrumi Asrumi, Edi Subroto, Sudaryanto Sudaryanto


The Osing language is one variation of the Javanese language that is used by the Osing people in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. For languages that have the constructions of verb-object (VO). Denominal (DN), deverbal (DV), and deadjectival (DA) verbs as the center of the sentence. Those verbs function as a sentence predicate, with its meaning features having semantic relations of arguments of S, O, PEL, and KET fillers with different roles.
The purpose of writing this article is to express the semantic relation of (1) DN, DV, and DA transitive verbs with arguments S and O fillers, and (2) DN, DV, and DA intransitive verbs with arguments S, PEL, and KET fillers.
The method used is the distributional method with techniques (explained, expansion, and binary) and identity method. The result is (1) (active and passive) DN, DV, and DA transitive verbs as predicate (P), semantically and grammatically have semantic relations that are generic, specific, and metaphoric to the argument S and O fillers with the role of the agent/patient, (2) (active and passive) DN, DV, and DA intransitive verbs as P filler, semantically and grammatically have semantic relations that are generic, specific, and metaphoric to argument S filler with the role of experiencer and to argument PEL filler with the role of patient-objective/locative, and has a generic semantic relation to argument KET filler with the role of locative.

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