'Typical ' Morphology System of Language Advertising of Cellular Services

Asep Wawan Jatnika, Dadang Suganda, Wahya Wahya, Cece Sobarna


Advertising is a form of expression to convey ideas through a language either orally or in writing. Advertising that is conveyed in writing is sometimes combined with pictures and colors. Advertising aims to encourage and persuade the public that is interested in either the products or services offered. In other words, advertising must have a persuasive element. With their sophisticated networks, cellular phone service companies offer a wide array of excellence in attracting their customers. Various advantages offered by cellular phone service companies are conveyed through a language. The language containing creative dictions is always used by these companies in attracting their customers. This study aims to identify what elements make up the morphological system of advertising language used by the cellular phone service companies.
From the analysis, it can be concluded that the morphological system of advertising language in the cellular phone services has both qualitative and quantitative elements which are presented in an interesting, creative, and persuasive way to depict the simplicity, inexpensiveness, completeness, security, frugality, peacefulness of the services themselves. The study also found that the morphological system of the advertising language has specific phonemic forms in their morphological process, specific morphemic forms in their morphological process, special morphemes which are specifically used in the field of cellular phone, specific morphological process, and specialized dictions. They are the typical forms of morphological system of the advertising language in the cellular phone services.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v6i3.5838

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International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email: ijl@macrothink.org

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