Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Enhancing Speaking Skills and Attitudes towards Learning English

Nasser Omer M. Al-Tamimi, Rais Ahmed Attamimi


This study investigates the effectiveness of cooperative learning in English language classrooms to enhance Yemeni students’ speaking skills and attitudes. A quasi-experimental interrupted time series design was used with sixty undergraduates enrolled in the foundation English programme at Hadhramout University, Yemen. The data of the current study were gathered at multiple points of time before and after the end of the experiment to determine the effectiveness of cooperative learning on the sample’s speaking skills and attitudes. In practical terms, the sample’s speaking skills were first examined through an English oral test prior to and after some cooperative learning instructional activities were provided. Next, a five Likert scale- questionnaire was administered to the sample before and at the end of the course to identify students’ attitudes towards the use of cooperative learning in English classes. The data were analyzed using basic and inferential statistical methods including mean scores, standard deviations, paired sample t-test, and effect size. The findings showed a remarkable development in the students’ speaking skills and attitudes after the introduction of cooperative learning techniques. In light of the findings, the researchers recommend that teachers should benefit from applying CL in English classes, which may in turn develop students’ speaking skills and attitudes.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v6i4.6114

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International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email: ijl@macrothink.org

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