Prevalence, Causes and Most Common Method of Deliberate Self-Harm Used by Adolescent of Pakistan

Hira Khan, Bisma Laeeque, Nuzhat Firdous


This study was conducted in Lahore, Pakistan to explore the overall and gender-wise prevalence of Deliberate Self-Harm in adolescents. Identification of most common reason and method practiced for DSH by adolescents were also the objective of study. The sample size for the study was calculated with G-power factor formula and as per the results generated from the software, a sample of (N=200) hundred males and hundred females was analyzed. ISAS inventory was used as research tool in this study. Cross-sectional survey was conducted and it was found that 62% adolescents indulged into the practice of DSH. Furthermore biting was the most common method and affect regulation was identified as most common reason due to which adolescents practiced DSH. It was also exhibited by data analysis that females were twice more active participant of DSH as compared to males.

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