Understanding Necessity Entrepreneurship
Necessity Entrepreneurship (NE) haven’t been closely covered in literature, especially with the speed of development in the last half century and the influence on different socio-economic perspectives. In this book review paper NE is synthesised as a means for self-employment solution on demand. Services of necessity entrepreneurs’ survival and their type of mindset are reviewed, along with their best practices. Brazil success as a model NE country is covered as an example of what can any country do to move people out of poverty through NE schemes.
Other NE schemes as: fall-back system, close mentorship and coaching are explored in this review to show their importance compared to financial support. The paper recommends clear transition programs of self-employment and self-reliance that goes beyond the government responsibility by calling for more involvement of private sector, NGOs and even religious organisations. Further, book future improvements are suggested to give this book more shining role towards this highly important subject.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/iss.v6i1.13298
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