Military Role of Mosques during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) and the first two-Rightly- Guided Caliphs

Mahmood Atharizadeh, Abbasali Farahaty


According to historical records and archeological discoveries, worshiping a sacred thing has been a popular ceremony among human beings. Thus, people have built temples to perform their worshiping ceremonies for connecting to and attracting their exalted objects to meet their needs. Islam did not neglect this significant issue; rather, it put great emphasis on building sacred places for fulfilling numerous religious activities. Thus, Muslims according to their Islamic leaders' recommendations have built sacred places named mosques for their ritual ceremonies as well as other essential practices. Therefore, mosques are considered multiple sacred places which have had numerous roles in expanding the last Divine Religion, Islam. The object of this survey was to study the military role of mosques during the holy Prophet's (PBUH) and the first two- Rightly-Guided Caliphs' lifetime.

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