Visible Light Communication Kits for Education
The development of educational kit must be compiled on how to prepare undergraduate students in the engineering field in following the new trends globally and becoming an alternative to the technical education system based on practical approach. The primary motivation for this research is to design and implement the visible light communications (VLC) educational toolkit, especially in the analog front-end part. It consisted of six kits (transimpedance amplifier, pre-amplifier, DC-offset remover, analog filter, and AGC) in which each kit has one practicum task. There are six tasks and one task for the project by integrating these kits. The undergraduate students can use this educational kit to investigate the physical layer in a VLC system. It provides a low-complexity educational kit, so this is becoming an alternative as supplement course offered in this field. Then, it has a simple design and user-friendly.
The development of educational kit must be compiled on how to prepare undergraduate students in the engineering field in following the new trends globally and becoming an alternative to the technical education system based on practical approach. The primary motivation for this research is to design and implement the visible light communications (VLC) educational toolkit, especially in the analog front-end part. It consisted of six kits (transimpedance amplifier, pre-amplifier, DC-offset remover, analog filter, and AGC) in which each kit has one practicum task. There are six tasks and one task for the project by integrating these kits. The undergraduate students can use this educational kit to investigate the physical layer in a VLC system. It provides a low-complexity educational kit, so this is becoming an alternative as supplement course offered in this field. Then, it has a simple design and user-friendly.
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Journal of Education and Training ISSN 2330-9709
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