The Influence of Organizational Climate, Coordination and Organizational Commitment to Collective Leadership in Collegial Community Consultants of the People of the Republic of Indonesia
This research uses a quantitative research approach. The research sample of 176 respondents from a population of 313 people. Secondary data collection using library research; Primary data collection using questionnaire and interview techniques. Data processing uses SEM analysis and descriptive analysis developed with observer triangulation analysis. The results of the research analysis are The magnitude of the influence of Organizational Climate on Collective Leadership in the People's Consultative Assembly reached 0.67. The magnitude of the influence of the Coordination on the Collective Leadership Collegial in the People's Consultative Assembly reached 0.62. The magnitude of the influence of Organizational Commitment on Collective Leadership in the People's Consultative Assembly reached 0.56. Development of Concept I obtained the Organizational Support Strategy for the Collective Leadership in the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly. Development of Concept II obtained is Optimizing the integration of roles. Development of Concept III obtained is collegial at the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Actualization of continuation commitments.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jazilul Fawaid, Bahrullah Akbar, Khasan Effendy, Sampara Lukman

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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