Physical Infrastructure in Early Childhood Education and Its Influence on Participation Rates in an Integrated Public Primary School System in Embu County, Kenya

Anastasia Kamwitha Muthanje


Early Childhood Education is critical to the overall development of children of 0 to 8 years old. This can be actualized through use of appropriate physical infrastructure. This research sought to establish status of Early Childhood physical infrastructure and how it influences participation rates in public primary systems. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques enabled sample 39 public primary schools from which 39, 156 and 39 headteachers, teachers and early childhood teachers were sampled. The study used Correlation research design and solicited data using questionnaires, documentary analysis guide and observation schedule. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences aided data analysis. Fequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations and inferential statistics of Pearson correlation presented findings. Results showed positive correlation between physical infrastructures and internal efficiency (r=0.653, n=37, p<0.05). Positive correlation between physical infrastructure and participation rates was conclusion. The county government in collaboration with headteachers and parents should provide adequate physical infrastructure.



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Copyright (c) 2024 Anastasia Kamwitha Muthanje

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Global Journal of Educational Studies  ISSN 2377-3936


Copyright © Macrothink Institute


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