The Process of Validity and Reliability for Verbal Questioning Research in the Classroom

Zanaton H. Iksan, Md Noor Saper


In any research approach, data obtained should be reliable and authentic in order to make sure that the results are valid. In qualitative approach too, even though the process of data collection was carried out as outlined and discussed in detail by expert researchers in this area, the experiences of the researcher during the process were different and should be shared with other researchers. The objective of this study is to discuss on the process of obtaining validity and reliability in the process of conducting qualitative research about verbal questioning during the teaching and learning. The findings discuss on six types of process to ensure that validity and reliability is achieved, which are: triangulation, prolonged engagement, member checking, peer review, an audit trail and researcher's bias. This impact of this study inform that the several techniques for getting validity and reliability of the data collection are needed to ensure that the findings of research are reliable and authentic.

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