Study of Entrepreneurship and Its Influence on the Start-Up Businesses among Students at Takoradi Polytechnic

Irene Darkwa, Kwabena Nduro


Over the last decade the concept of entrepreneurship has emerged as one of the tools for development, wealth creation and economic growth. It has gradually taken its place in academia, and fast becoming a way of reducing the unemployment situation bedevilling developing countries. The current paper examined the study of entrepreneurship and its influence on the start-up businesses among students at Takoradi Polytechnic. The study employed the quantitative and qualitative methods to execute the study. The results of the study revealed that Polytechnic students have a high potential of becoming their own bosses after graduation, have knowledge of supporting institutions that exist in helping new and existing entrepreneurs, but were not aware of the assistance they offer such target groups. The study discovered a high relationship between entrepreneurship and education; students were enthused about investing in less capital intensive ventures, and also reckoned that lack of funding was not tolerated at starting–up.

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