English Curriculum Genre: Pedagogic Negotiation Patterns in the Indonesian EFL Classrooms
This study aims at finding the schematic structures of English curriculum genres in Indonesian university context and the patterns of pedagogic negotiation that enact the learning activities. The data of this study were video-taped EFL classrooms taught by non-native English lecturers at six universities in Semarang. The discourses were collected by video recording and transcription, non-participatory observation, and interview. The data were analyzed by referring to the analytical framework of curriculum genre and pedagogic exchanges under systemic functional linguistics (SFL). The findings show that the EFL classrooms are carried out in three general stages: orientation stage, discussion stage, and closure stage. Each stage is operated through several smaller potential steps. In terms of exchange structure, the negotiation between teachers and students occurs more frequently in knowledge-oriented exchanges than action-oriented exchanges. In addition, the teachers use two types of pedagogic exchanges: the triadic pedagogic exchanges and the scaffolded pedagogic exchanges.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v8i6.10302
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International Journal of Linguistics ISSN 1948-5425 Email: ijl@macrothink.org
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