Realization of Speech Functions in Shampoo’s Slogan in Television Advertisement

Imelda Sabrina Sibarani, Lina Siringo ringo


This study deals with speech function in shampoo’s slogans in television advertisement. The objectives of this study were to describe the speech functions linguistically coded in shampoo’s slogan of television advertisement, to examine out the types of speech functions used in shampoo’s slogan of television advertisement, to derive out the dominant types of speech functions used in shampoo’s slogan of television advertisement, to explain reasons for the used of the dominant speech functions. The data were collected by using content analysis technique. The data were shampoo’s slogans which were taken from advertising media like television, internet or billboard The data were analyzed based on the theory of speech function proposed by, Saragih (2000:9). There were found 11 slogans which consist of Speech Functions. The research finding, there were only 4 speech functions found in the slogans. They were statement, question, command, and offer. The most dominant speech function used was statement (90.9%). 

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