Idiomatic Expression in Acehnese Wedding Ceremony

Lauren Feronica, Lasyuli Simbolon


This study deals with idiomatic expression in Acehnese wedding ceremony. The objectives of this study were to find out the dominant forms, types and idiomatic meaning applied in the wedding ceremony and the use of the idiomatic expression. This study was conducted by applying qualitative research. The data were collected by applying relevant documentary technique. The data were analyzed based on the classification of forms, with a view to Mordie, such as Long and Short Idiom. Hockectt proposes five types such as Figure of Speech, Abbrevation Phrasal Compounds, Proper Names, Substitutes, and English Phrasal Coumpounds. Field research was also conducted by interviewing the older native speakers and observing the ceremony itself to complement the data from the library research. The finding indicates that the dominant form used in the ceremony is Long Idiom and the dominant types is Figures of Speech. The reasons of they use the idiomatic expression were to colour the language and as a reflection of preserving cultual values.

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