Creative Stimulating Environment for Studying and Development

Artemis Dralo


Many adults have been ‘educated out’ of being imaginative and can quite often forget what it is like to let their imagination take flight. So it is important for children to be encouraged, and not put off, in the early stages of their development, when their imaginations function spontaneously. It is also important for those working with children to try to revisit their own imaginations. Teachers can give life to their aspirations for children by providing, in the curriculum, both the “food” and the “exercise” that are vital for children’s developing powers. Using this metaphor, children are given both nourishing intellectual and emotional food and the space in which to exercise and strengthen their intellectual and emotional muscle. Intellectual (thinking) skills generate ideas, concepts, proposals, solutions or arguments independently in response to set briefs and/or as self-initiated activity. Critical
self-evaluation, reasoning, logical argument, analysis and synthesis are certainly essential motivations to stimulate students’ learning.  The ability to draft and improve through redrafting creative work appropriately in a chosen genre gives the successful result in such a process. Inventiveness and creativity is another really important stimulator for better result in the teaching-learning process. Employ materials, media, techniques, methods, technologies and tools associated with the discipline(s) studied with skill and imagination whilst observing good working practices, gives the equal satisfaction to both teacher and student.

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