Attitudes and Motivation of Learners towards English: A Case Study of Intermediate Level Students District Matyari, Sindh, Pakistan

Irum Pervez Memon, Habibullah Pathan, Sahiba Khatoon Thaheem


A lot of discussion in language learning and teaching roams around two key factors, which are motivation and attitude. These variables are considered to impact the success or failure in learning a language. Gardner (1985) believes that students who are highly motivated and have positive attitude are better at mastering and learning language than those with less or no motivation and negative attitude. In order to gain success in language learning both motivation and positive attitude need to coexist together. This study was conducted to find attitudes, motivation and their relationship among intermediate level students in Matyari district. For this research study, a questionnaire was adapted from Gardner’s (1985) AMTB to collect data. The data was analyzed in SPSS through descriptive and inferential analysis. The results revealed that intermediate level students in Matyari district have positive attitude towards English. Further, the study found students intrinsically more motivated than extrinsically. Moreover, it was found that attitudes and motivation have positive relationship. It was concluded that those learners who have positive attitude tend to have more intrinsic motivation.

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