The Translation of the Arabic Descriptive Words That are Derived From the Names of Animals Used to Give Adjectives for Human Beings or Describe Their Behaviors - Case Study: Students at The University of Jordan / Amman

Bushra Abu Faraj


Arabic language is a rich language; it is full of different expressions and idioms. Some parts of speech like nouns could be used for many other purposes (e.g. adjectives). Many descriptive words in Arabic are derived from the names of animals to give adjectives for human beings or to describe their behaviors. This study aims to translate these words by transforming the correct meaning in the Arabic culture. A case study is made with students of translation class at The University of Jordan/ Amman. They were asked to translate ten sentences; each of which contains a name of an animal that is used to give an adjective for humans or describe their behaviors. Some of these words (expressions or idioms) have equivalences in English so that, they are easy to be translated. Others have no equivalences in English, so the students need to look for the correct meanings these words indicate in the Arabic culture. Literal translations for these words are not accepted at all because no message could be delivered in this case.

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