The Negative Effects of Some Non – Governmental Organizations (NGOs) on EFL Teaching and Learning in Sudan

Abdulghani Eissa Tour Mohammed, Khalid Abdurrahman Jabir Othman, Mohammed Abdalla Abdalgane Mohammed


The current study endeavours to investigate the negative impact created due to the existence of the international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the overall educational system in Sudan. It also attempts to determine how the great advantages and the big gains inspire EFL teachers to prefer working for these organizations rather than working for ministry of education, and how this situation generally influenced teaching and learning English. Under the umbrella of the humanitarian crises missions, Sudan has witnessed a rush of numerous and funded NGOs during the last two decades, particularly at some high conflict zones such as the Blue Nile, South Kordofan and Darfur states. Most of these organizations adopt English language as a means of communication. They also offer better opportunities to their employees compared to other local institutions including the ministry of education. These gains have motivated many English language professionals including EFL teachers to implement job hunting strategies while attempting to work for these NGOs. In so doing, they are willing and able to work as facilitators, administrators, security officers, secretaries and part-time employees with either long-term or short-term contracts. Among the luckiest ones who successfully managed to get better job opportunities are the EFL teachers. It seems as if working for such internationally recognized and well-paid organizations is better than working for ministry of education for the majority of teachers. Although working for these NGOs creates a good opportunity for the qualified teachers to improve their overall living standard and enables them to provide better life, healthcare system as well as sustainable better education to their families. However, the ministry of education’s loss of the qualified teachers has negatively impact the overall education system in the country. Shortages of English teachers have highly been reported during the last decade, particularly at the public sector. The data collection for the current study goes through designing and distributing a questionnaire to a sample of EFL teachers, students, and some interested parties in Al - Fashir area. The data collection process as well as its analysis resulted into the following:

  • The existence of the international NGOs in Sudan has motivated the qualified EFL teachers to quit their jobs in ministry of education and work for such organizations.
  • Their existence has indirectly and negatively been influencing the education system in Sudan, particularly the process of teaching and learning English language as a school subject.

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