A Pragmatic Study of Swearing Objects and Expressions in Jordanian Arabic

Alaeddin Abdullah Banikalef


This research paper aims at exploring the swearing objects and expressions that are used in Jordanian Arabic, particularly in the Mafraq Governorate. This study provides foreigners with enough information on swearing objects and expressions in the Mafraq Governorate. The stratified sample which allows selecting a separate simple random sample from each population stratum was applied in the current research. Questionnaire and interview method were employed in this study. The study found that Jordanians in Mafraq Governorate use fifteen swearing objects, including swearing by imaginary custodians as a unique swearing object for this area of Jordan. Various swearing expressions are used when people in Mafraq swear by these objects. The research paper concludes that there are differences in the percentage of using swearing objects between Mafraq Governorate and other northern parts of Jordan. The research paper recommends a new study of swearing objects and expressions in the whole of Jordan. A comparative study of swearing objects and expressions between Jordan and a certain western country, particularly a native English country is recommended.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v12i3.17148

Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Linguistics

International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email: ijl@macrothink.org

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