Team Teaching and CLIL Methodology

Maria Vittoria Lo Presti


This paper investigates team teaching within the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology in lower secondary education in Italy, focusing on the collaboration between language and content subject teachers in designing and implementing CLIL pathways.

The discussion begins with an overview of the CLIL methodology’s emergence in the plurilingual and pluricultural European context, with particular attention to its application in Italian schools.

Next, the paper focuses on the training of CLIL teachers in Italy and on the collaboration between language teacher and subject teacher, forming the so-called team teaching CLIL.

An illustrative example of a CLIL module, co-developed by English, Art, and History teachers, from an Italian lower secondary school, is provided, and the opinions of the teachers involved, gathered through interviews, are briefly presented regarding the educational pathway undertaken. These reflections offer insights into the educational process and the challenges encountered.

The paper concludes by deriving methodological recommendations for CLIL teacher training, emphasizing the importance of effective collaboration between content and language teachers for the successful implementation of CLIL methodology.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Vittoria Lo Presti

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International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email:

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