A Study on the Historical Etymology and Causes of Collocations in Persian Language

Shahla Sharifi, Shima Ebrahimi


The issue of collocation which is carried out on the basis of appropriateness of semantic relationship between the words is a field of study in Linguistics and has a strong relationship with lexicology and semantics.Thorough and comprehensive researches vis-à-vis the fields of syntax have been undertaken and achieved results indicate that not only the meaning of each individual word but also their bond with “their syntagmatic words” is a determining factor in collocational cases. Therefore, it is not possible at all to limit the subject of collocations to a specific framework. The present study seeks to examine and explain the concept of collocation in Persian language and the causes of collocating words from a scientific and etymological perspective. For this reason, lexical collocations are grouped into categories such as collocations with historical and scientific roots, collocations in poets’ verses or with Quranic allusion, collocations used together in the same situation, and collocations made of synonyms and antonyms.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v4i4.2250

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International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email: ijl@macrothink.org

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