The Analysis of Grammatical Voice in the Short Story "The Setar"

Fekhteh Nakhavaly, Mohammad Reza Pahlavannezhad


In the history of grammar, the study of voice dates at least to the Sanskrit grammar of Panini. Voice analysis is thus one of the most ancient topics in the tradition of descriptive grammar.There is undoubtedly a systematic relation between the literary style and an author's thought and perception (syntax is a means of forming such a perception) and grammatical voice is showing part of this relation.    The short story "The setar" is the reflection of Jalal Al-e-Ahmand own life, which has a tragic procedure and comes from an active hope to a passive hopeless. And from transitive verbs with active voice (which includes 71% of the whole story) to the intransitive verbs with passive voice (which appears in 23% of the whole sentences). There are also reflexive and middle voices in a few sentences.

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