Issues of Computer Assisted Language Learning Normalization in EFL Contexts

Hassan Saleh Mahdi


The use of computers in language learning is increased widely in most countries. Many educational institutions all over the world have integrated computer technology into language instruction. However, this integration is not successful in many institutions. There are many issues that hinder the integration of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) into language learning. This paper reports on the literature associated with issues of CALL normalisation. It highlights the issues of CALL normalisation in English as foreign language (EFL) contexts and explores the most important factors to be considered to improve the use of CALL in these contexts. This paper also adds some issues that were not mentioned in the previous studies. It is suggested that for CALL normalisation to be occurred, five major issues should be addressed (i.e., personal, technical, pedagogical, socio-cultural, and institutional). Some suggestions are presented to help CALL to be normalized in EFL contexts.

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