Code Switching in English as Foreign Language Instruction Practiced by the English Lecturers at Universities
In lecturing English as foreign language instruction in the classroom, the English lecturers still have difficulties. They have to switch the language when the students do not understand about what they are conveying. This study was aimed at investigating how the English lectures practiced code switching in English as foreign language (EFL) instruction in the classroom. This was a descriptive qualitative research in which data was taken ethnographically by recording, observation, and interview technique. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method through four steps, i.e. data reduction, data description, data grouping, and conclusion. The findings of the study revealed that the English lecturers used English, Indonesian, Arabic, interchangeably. The English lectures made switching for (1) linguistics factor, (2) to continue speaker’s pronouncement, (3) addressee specification, (4) information clarification, (5) intimacy, (6) affected with the addressee, (7) unpleasant feeling, (8) to create humor, (9) repetition used for clarification reiteration of a message, (10) to strengthen request or command, (11) to make questions, (12) to give advice, (13) to balance the addressee’s language competence, (14) to make it easier to convey speaker’s message, (15) discourse marker.
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