An Investigation of the Effects of G5 Mnemonic Technique in Learning Vocabulary among Iranian EFL Learners

Mitra Taghinezhad Vaskeh Mahalle, Nader Assadi Aidinlou


This study aimed to study the effects of G5 mnemonic technique on Iranian English language learners’ retention of vocabulary items. To do so, 40 Iranian English language learners’ at intermediate level were randomly selected for the study. They were randomly divided into one experimental group and one control group. In order to get assurance as to the homogeneity of the learners they were pre-tested and a same test was repeated as post-test after 9 weeks. Both groups were taught about 360 vocabulary items. These vocabulary items were taught with mnemonic technique (G5) to the experimental group while control group did not receive any technique. Detailed analysis revealed that, there was a significant difference among experimental and control groups in retention of vocabulary items.

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