Word Formation System of Suwawa Language Using Computer Program

Kartin Lihawa


The objestives of the research of word formation system of Suwawa Language in Computer Program are giving the description of  i) the WFRs (world formation rules) of affixes in Suwawa language, ii) the system of WFRs in Suwawa language and its word structure. The method used in this research is qualitative. It analyzes language data in the True Basic program. The finding of this research is the rules of the words, which consist of simple and complex rules of derivation, inflection, and compound. Those are 9 rules. From the 9 rules found 41 prefix, 1 infiks ‘in’, 14 suffix, 17 compound. Besides, there is only the positive degree rule in Suwawa Language. PhR (Phonological Restricton) which is included in TR (Truncation Rules) of RRs (Readjustment Rules) found seven rules. In CR (compound rules), there is a rule named PCRs (Partial compound rules) which has three kinds of PCRs those are: a) PCRs of fisrt syllable, b) PCRs of second syllable, and c) PCRs of affixes as to form.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v5i2.3625

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International Journal of Linguistics  ISSN 1948-5425  Email: ijl@macrothink.org

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