Critical Discourse Analysis of Reporting on "Saweran for KPK Building" in Media Indonesia Daily Newspaper
This research entitles "Critical Discourse Analysis of Reporting on “Saweran for KPK Building” in Media Indonesia Daily Newspaper”. The method used in this research is descriptive method with three-dimensional models of critical discourse analysis approach by Norman Fairclough. The purposes of this study are (1) to describe the aspects of language used to represent characters and news topics, (2) to describe the relationship between the ideology of Media Indonesia Daily Newspaper and the aspects of language produced, and (3) to describe the situations of social, political, and cultural underlying aspects of language used. The results show that aspects of language diction, sentence usage, and source selection used in direct quotations in Media Indonesia have placed figures or institutions particularly the House of Representatives (DPR) in the negative representation. It is closely related to the ideology of nationalism espoused by the Media Indonesian institution which supports anti-corruption movement by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Nonetheless, the representation not only relates to the ideology espoused but also associates with the political interests of Media Indonesia leader who becomes the founder of the National Democratic Party (Nasdem) in conducting a positive image of the party he leads.
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