A CDA of the Ideology of Indonesian Metrotv News Report
Television is a tool to convey the ideology of the television owners. This is reasonable because behind a text circulating in the community has always a hidden agenda of the social structure. In the point of view of critical discourse analysis, language is not neutral but it always carries a particular ideological message. There is always a hidden message on any news program broadcasted by MetroTV. The objective of this study was to know the ideology of the news text of MetroTV. This study employed a qualitative descriptive study using the model of Fairclough’s CDA. The data of the study was the news text about mudflow in Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Based on the research findings, it is concluded that MetroTV does not only provide any information about the events in Indonesia, but it also develops an ideology. The ideologies of MetroTV news texts are: 1) the mudflow in Sidoarjo Indonesia is not a natural disaster, 2) the cause of mudflow was human error (gas drilling conducted by Lapindo incorporation), 3) Lapindo should be responsible, while the state should not use public money for mudflow handling, 4) the impact of the mudflow are: destroying the environment and the lives of citizens, harming people economically, socially as well as culturally, and making people miserable, 5) the mudflow victims do demonstration to show their disappointment, and 6) the compensation and the realization of the responsibility of Lapindo incorporation disappointing. The finding of this study reveals that Indonesian MetroTV develops the ideology by applying the strategies of “emphasize their bad things” and “de-emphasize their good things.”
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v6i4.6147
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International Journal of Linguistics ISSN 1948-5425 Email: ijl@macrothink.org
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