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Heerwegh, Dirk, Janssen, Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson&Johnson (Beerse, Belgium) (Belgium)
Heidarian, Mahsa
Hennessy, Eilis, University College Dublin (Ireland)
Higgins, Lesley A., Todd County Schools (United States)
Hinault, Thomas
Hodgman, Matthew R., University of Maryland Global Campus
Hodgman, Matthew R, Goodwin College (United States)
Hofman, Adriaan
Hofman, Roelande H., Macrothink Institute (United States)
Holmström, Stefan, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science, Umeå University S-90187 Umeå, Sweden (Sweden)
Holvoet, Nathalie, Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Holvoet, Nathalie
Hornby, Garry
Hossain, Md. Amir
Hsu, Liwei (United States)
Huang, Edgar
Hus, Vlasta
Huye, Holly


I. Harris, Kathleen
Iannotta, Iolanda Sara, University of Salerno (Italy)
Ibijola, Elizabeth Yinka (Nigeria)
Idapalapati, Srinivasa Rao
Inberg, Liesbeth
Intsiful, Emmanuel, Beijing Normal University (China)
Ioanna, Efstathiou

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